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Members present:        Chairperson Kathleen Brady, Members Walter J. Fitzpatrick, Virginia Macro, Dr. Bruce Burnham

Members absent: Sherman Tarr

Alternates present:     Edwina Futtner, Peter Jennings, and Gary Pitcock

Alternates absent:


Vice-Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM




Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellizzi, Mr. Neary, Johanna Boddington, Patricia Porter, Doris Burgdorf, Deborah Cella, and Atty. Stanley Falkenstein, representing Deborah Cella.


Presentation of Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness:

Vice Chairperson Macro read the public legal notice from the Journal Inquirer for the applications submitted by Mrs. Candida M. Ryan of 1554 Main Street, South Windsor, and by Mrs. Francis Bellizzi of 1540 Main Street, South Windsor.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellizzi are applying for 7 Pole Lamps along the 760 foot driveway with three being directly visible from Main Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellizzi presented revised plans based on recommendations from the Historic District Commission consultant Mr. Edward Sunderland.  The west elevation has the roof return continued across the west side.  The chimney corbeling has been removed and it was stated that the brick veneer would be a concrete product; a sample was presented.

d)      Mrs. Porter, ad Ms. Boddington voiced concern over the intrusion of so many lampposts.  There was also a question about the buffer trees to be planted that was referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

The Public Hearing was temporarily adjourned at 7:58 PM.

The Public Hearing resumed at 8:16 PM.

e)      Ms. Candida Ryan was not present at the meeting to answer questions regarding her request to install a privacy fence.  A letter will be sent requesting more information.


A motion to adjourn was made at 8:40 PM by Commissioner Burnham, seconded by Commissioner Pitcock and approved unanimously.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary